
Brenna Driver

What is your position within your company?
I am an area sales manager in Indianapolis for Owens Corning, Toledo, Ohio.

Why did you become involved in the roofing industry?
It was an accident. I needed a job when I was in college, so I worked as an office assistant at Firestone Metal Products, Nashville, Tenn. I stayed because I fell in love with the industry—the people are great, and it’s fun to sell solutions to building owners to keep them protected.

What was your first roofing experience?
The first time I got on a roof, I went right up and felt at home on the commercial roof system. I felt like I was on top of the world. When it was time to get down, that was a totally different story. My legs were so shaky on the ladder, it felt like it took two hours to climb down.

What is your roofing industry involvement?
I’ve always worked for a roofing manufacturer, starting in office roles and expanding into sales and technical positions over 16 years (11 years at Firestone, then Owens Corning). I serve on several NRCA committees and on the board of directors for National Women in Roofing. I encourage everyone to get involved in local and national associations because they are great for networking!

What song are you listening to over and over?
I don’t have a favorite song, but I love live music! The type doesn’t matter, but if I had to pick one it would be country.

What was your first job?
I worked at my dad’s commercial HVAC company completing office tasks.

People would be surprised to know ...
I originally went to college to study social work.

What quality do you most admire in a person?
Honesty—I try to lead with honesty, but it’s not always the easy thing to do. I have found being honest even when delivering difficult messages can strengthen a relationship. I often tell people you may not always like what I have to say, but I will always be honest with you.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
If I could, I would just travel anywhere. I love learning about other cultures, trying different foods and taking in new environments.

What’s the most exciting/adventurous thing you’ve done?
Moving to a new state. It was the most liberating thing I have ever done. I had to grow up quickly and learned a lot of life lessons, but it was totally worth it.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I thought I was going to move to New York and be a journalist for a big fashion magazine. Owning a grocery story was a close second. Roofing was not on my list, but I’m glad I ended up here!

What is your favorite stress reliever?

My favorite part about working in the roofing industry is ...
The people. Folks in the roofing industry are just good people who want to do the right thing for customers—from making good products to installing reliable roof systems. We wake up with the goal to do what’s right.

What is your favorite food?
Ice cream scooped on a dipped waffle cone

What do you consider your most rewarding experience?
I don’t know that I can pick one, but I do take pride in learning from mistakes. So I guess that leads me to say my most rewarding experience is a culmination of all the lessons I have learned.


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