Happy new year!

NRCA’s fiscal year begins June 1, and many exciting things are on the horizon

Most of us reflect on the prior year around mid-December when the promise of a new year is upon us. But for NRCA, the time for self-reflection is late spring as June 1 marks the beginning of the association’s fiscal year.

NRCA fulfilled many established goals this past year:

During NRCA’s board of directors meeting in March, the board went through a SWOT exercise to identify the association’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. (You can learn more about a SWOT analysis and how to conduct one at your company by reading “Don’t sweat the SWOT.”)

The engaging discussion resulted in a list of items that will help guide the association’s focus.

The new year welcomes NRCA Chairman of the Board Lisa Sprick, president of Sprick Roofing Co. Inc., Corvallis, Ore. Sprick, the second woman to helm the association, brings a wealth of experience, and she will focus on addressing a myriad of issues, such as workforce, improving the industry’s image and continuing support of NRCA ProCertification.

A leader’s leader” details Sprick’s agenda for the association, how she became involved in NRCA and how she envisions the future.

Here’s to another great year!

AMBIKA PUNIANI REID is editor of Professional Roofing and NRCA’s vice president of communications.


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