How can you shift your mentality to become more productive?

Leaders typically have long to-do lists and calendars full of meetings and phone calls, which can make it difficult to be productive and get things done—especially when things keep getting added to the list. shares four mentality shifts that will make you more productive without adding anything to your to-do list.

  1. Get comfortable with the idea of leaving things on the to-do list undone. Realize some things are not worth the time and mental energy required to get them done.
  2. Know what to cut. Everything on your to-do list has a value to it, and some are worth far more than the others. Learn how to recognize the high-level tasks you should be doing and the tasks that should be left alone.
  3. Be mindful of time blindness. This is the idea you do not have a good grasp on the flow of time, such as believing a task will take 30 minutes and finding it takes at least three hours. Time blindness can make it difficult to plan your day. To combat this, start by setting a timer for 30 minutes while you work on a task. When the timer goes off, note what you were able to do during that time. This will help you learn how long it takes you to do certain tasks so you can plan accordingly.
  4. Do not be fearful. Instead of putting off tasks on your list that you find overwhelming or scary, tackle them first thing in the morning. You will get it done while also also freeing up the mental energy spent worrying about the task you were putting off.

Date : Jan. 01, 0001


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